Thursday, 27 November 2014

M&J - Feedback questions

So I got some feedback along with some questions to ask myself about my work, and so I carefully answered these questions in order to help produce a better briefing on my work.

Here are the questions along with my answers;

Why would people want to come into my booth and speak to a digital god?
  • It’s a confessional booth for everyone, not just those of religion as you find in catholic churches. But for people of religion and no religion. I don’t want anyone to approach the booth, I want people who have something to say but can’t. Those who do want to come to my booth would come because they have something that they want to let out anonymously, and without the fear of being identified. They would come to help release emotional stress, that being a kind of secret they need to get out, and I also hope curiosity into this so called "Digital God" draws them in. 
Why do you want to film them with masks?
  • The white masks would hide their identity but it also represents the person they are speaking to, as the monitor ahead would be a live recording of them wearing the mask. The Masks would be plain white masks/ the colour white is the colour of new beginnings. It’s also the colour of protection and encouragement, offering a sense of peace and calm, helping alleviate emotional upsets. White also offers an inner cleansing and purifying of your thoughts, emotions and, ultimately, your spirit. So wearing this white mask to some extent is a metaphor of this god. 
Won’t they still be recognised?
  • No, as they would be hidden behind this white mask. Also I’ll be using a software called sound-flower to change the tone and pitch of their voice in live time. This would make their voice unrecognisable to the viewers. Overall they won’t be recognised at all, not by me or the public.  
Should this be a sound piece?
  • I was considering a sound piece but not 100% sure if I want to take it in that direction as it would defeat the purpose and meaning behind wearing a white mask, and I would have to find another rational reason on why I would be using sound only. 
What’s the purpose of reposting the recording to a blog afterwards?
  • The dedicated blog will be used as a platform for the viewers to engage with, as the viewers are also to some extent another metaphor for this so called “god”. Also it will allow others to give advise on the confessions, if wanted to, and as a place to view my work.  
Why am I doing this? 
  • For my Map’s and Journey’s unit, but to get more rational with the question. I’m doing this for those going through an emotional journey of some sort. Those looking to relieve themselves, and get stress of their chest.
How do I want the audience to respond so the work is coherent?
  • I want the audience to feel curious to what this so called "Digital God” is, and after leaving the booth I hope for the audience to respond to the work feeling emotionally stressed relieved to some extent, as I hope this work will help them get a lot of their chest. Overall I know what I want to expect from the audience but I hope to get multiple responses on what they think of the work. Enabling them to interpret this “Digital God” themselves.  

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