Thursday, 9 October 2014

M&J - Spoken Word. A narrated video performance

I've been trying to develop the idea further, as I wanted to try write the spoken word piece myself, and I have been stuck in doing so as there is quite a broad amount of subjects to write about.

So I have been brainstorming, in which I have come up with a couple of different approaches, and also been talking to a few writers that could hopefully help develop the spoken word further.

First Approach

This would be to have one writer to write and narrate the whole video "Journey" performance using the variety of subjects he has to talk about. He can then use the subjects that could relate more closely to each other in order to maintain sense within the video and the spoken word piece.

Second Approach 

This would be to have a variety of writers in order to write the spoken word piece. As there is a broad amount of subjects, I thought it would be easier to have several writers write about a subject each or a couple of subjects each. The writers when narrating the piece would drift in and out of the video once they begin and finish there spoken word.

Third Approach 

This approach would be to narrow down the broad amount of subjects featured, and use the subjects in one overall theme of Life and Death. The journey we take within our time and the experiences we have. Those experiences will be the broad amount of subjects mentioned previously, and would consist within a narrative form. Within this approach it wouldn't matter whether or not there is one writer writing the spoken word or a variety.

Overall I have been trying to narrow down the approached before I start development. The first approach is something that I have taken out of the picture, due to the fact it would be a difficult task for the writer. I am slightly leaning towards the second approach at the moment, as I like the whole idea of having a variety of writers/artists undertaking this journey to deliver the message I want to put out there. This is something I will be thinking about before further development.

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